SA cricket, rugby, tennis & netball on track with transformation

Transformation in sport continues to improve in senior representative teams across sporting codes.

Five EPG Transformation Status Report in Sport released and handed over to Sports Minister Tokozile Xasa. Picture: @SPORTandREC_RSA/Twitter.

CAPE TOWN – Cricket, rugby, tennis and netball are the shining lights of the latest Eminent Persons Group (EPG) report on transformation in sport.

The EPG officially handed over the report to Sport Minister Tokozile Xasa in Pretoria on Monday.

The report looks at transformation targets set by 19 sporting federations.

Transformation in sport continues to improve in senior representative teams across sporting codes.

Xasa said: “Cricket’s percentage for black profile has improved from 45% to 60%, whereas rugby has moved from 34% to 42%.”

Hockey, netball and table tennis are among 10 federations who are moving in the right direction, according to the report.

With regard to management and leadership transformation, football is the only sport to meet all 18 subcategories.

Xasa is generally pleased with the representation on boards across the 19 federations.

“Seventy percent of them have presented the election of boards that are more than 50% black.”

There are also worrying signs emanating from the report.

Basketball had failed to provide any data for the report and despite South Africa producing some of world’s best and most recognisable athletes. Athletics South Africa has scored low in terms of providing the necessary data.

The report has flagged the two federations as concerns where effective intervention is required.

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