Clint Bowyer’s day ends after slamming the wall | 2018 DOVER

RICK ALLEN: There will be a restart. The 14 into the wall hard.

STEVE LETARTE: That’s going to be huge. Look, he was only minus 13 and this car is not going to finish the day. It’s going to be costly for Clint Bowyer, another impact on the inside wall.

SPOTTER (ON RADIO): Now you blew a tire. Gotta come off some.

JEFF BURTON: And a big hit also.

RICK ALLEN: You see the wheel on the right front completely bent in. That’s how hard he hit the wall.

JEFF BURTON: Rick, Jr, we’ve all done this here it’s–

RICK ALLEN: They see flames under the hood, too. The safety crew is going to get to him quickly. Its a fire suppression system that helped with this. But you see Clint climbing out of that car as quickly as he can, as the flames start to roll from under the hood.

JEFF BURTON: He couldn’t get his helmet hose unplugged. So it was prohibiting him from getting out any quicker.

DALE EARNHARDT JR: I’m glad to see him get out, though. This is a place when you blow right front tire with the speed and the banking, that you are going to hit the wall a ton, Jeff.

RICK ALLEN: See him wide to the right of the screen.

JEFF BURTON: Clearly, clearly a mechanical issue. We saw him on pit road earlier. We were speculating a little bit whether they had a loose right rear or what was going on. But they clearly had some kind of suspension issue going on.

STEVE LETARTE: Now this lineup has been turned upside down.


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