Naomi Osaka’s Advice to Daughter After Aussie Open: GO TO SLEEP

Moms will be moms. Don’t believe us? Ask Naomi Osaka…

What did Naomi Osaka’s mom tell her when the pair finally talked on the phone after Osaka won the Australian Open on Saturday night?

Go to bed!

Some things never change.

Speaking on Good Morning America with hosts Robin Roberts via satellite, Osaka said her mom warned her that she better get some rest-asap.

“She was upset at me and she kind of yelled at me to go to sleep,” Osaka said. “Yeah I think that was the most important thing for her.”

During the brief interview Osaka exhibited some of her trademark shyness with people she isn’t all that familiar with. She kept her answers short, talking about her sister, her family, her personal interest in photography and what advice she would give to young people who might look to her for advice.

“I would just say everyone has their own path so you should just keep going and never give up—don’t compare yourself to other people,” she said.

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