Donald Trump Is ‘Irrelevant’ & ‘Bitter’ at NFL, Says Congressman Richmond

Donald Trump

‘Irrelevant’ & ‘Bitter’ at NFL

… Says Congressman

2/6/2018 12:20 AM PST


Here’s Louisiana Congressman Cedric Richmond going all “Hit ‘Em Up” on Donald Trump — slamming POTUS as a bitter old man who’s “irrelevant” when it comes to the NFL.

The diss session started when we asked the Chairman of the Black Caucus if Trump should consider it a victory that no players took a knee during the national anthem at the Super Bowl. 

That set Richmond OFF. 

Richmond says Trump’s “not wanted” when it comes to the NFL — and claims DT’s bitterness toward the players is born out of the fact he was never able to buy an NFL team of his own. 


Long story short … Richmond hates Trump’s guts — but he LOVES Eagles star Malcolm Jenkins

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