COLLEGE TENNIS: Racquet Club ready to host invitational for 19th straight year

Several high profile college tennis programs will be kicking off their season in the Tall City at the 19th edition of The Racquet Club Collegiate Invitational, which takes place today through Sunday.

Texas Tech, Texas A&M, TCU, Penn State, Arizona, SMU, UTEP, New Mexico, Abilene Christian, U.T.-Arlington, U.T.-San Antonio, Utah State, Alabama-Birmingham and Tyler Junior College are the programs competing. Women’s singles begins at 9 a.m. today at The Racquet Club, while men’s singles commences at 9 a.m. at the Midland College tennis courts. Singles and doubles matches for both men and women take place Saturday and Sunday at The Racquet Club.

Abilene Christian freshman and Midland High grad Allison Stewart will be making her collegiate debut at the tournament that is run by her father Scott Stewart, the Director of Tennis at The Racquet Club.

Abilene Christian senior Josh Sheehy is the top seed in the men’s singles draw, and Tyler Junior College freshman and Scotland native Anna Brogan is the No. 1 seed in women’s singles.

The tournament is an Intercollegiate Tennis Association sanctioned event, so all participants will be playing for ranking.

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