A prominent NBA reporter is jumping to Clippers’ front office from Sports Illustrated

Lee Jenkins, a prolific feature writer at Sports Illustrated, is leaving the magazine for a front-office position with the Los Angeles Clippers. The title of the new job is a new one for the NBA: executive director of research and identity.

Jenkins, 41, will join a front office in Los Angeles led by Lawrence Frank, the team’s president of basketball operations. With a Rolodex as deep as any NBA reporter, Jenkins will hope to leverage his connections and media experience in the new role.

“I’m going to try and take what I’ve done for the last 11 years, which is put together profiles of athletes to explain a little bit more about who they are,” Jenkins said Tuesday on ESPN NBA reporter Adrian Wojnarowski’s podcast. “The goal of every story I write is to tell the reader a little bit more about who the person is they’re watching play. I’ve always believed you can do that for a team.”

Indeed, NBA teams are telling stories every day — whether it’s trying to stand out in a crowded entertainment market, like Los Angeles, or wooing big name free agents.

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