Woman Whose Eye Exploded After Being Hit With Golf Ball Criticizes Ryder Cup Officials

A spectator who was blinded in one eye during last week’s Ryder Cup golf tournament in Paris said that wasn’t even the most humiliating part of her ordeal.

Corine Remande, 49, who had traveled from Egypt to attend the tournament, has lost vision in her right eye after a ball hit by U.S. golfer Brooks Koepka smashed her eye socket.

“It happened so fast, I didn’t feel any pain when I was hit,” Remande told reporters. “I didn’t feel like the ball had struck my eye, and then I felt the blood start to pour. The scan on Friday confirmed a fracture of the right eye socket and an explosion of the eyeball.”

Remande immediately collapsed but was nearly trampled by spectators rushing to see American golfer Tiger Woods pass by, according to the Independent.

“What shocked me too was that the spectators were taking pictures of me, but no one was calling for help,” she said.

JEFF PACHOUD via Getty Images

Things didn’t get much better for her after the tournament. Remande criticized Ryder Cup organizers for “not making contact” with her after the incident to find out how she was doing.

Remande also alleges there was “no warning shout from the course official when the ball was heading towards the crowd.”

As a result, she is considering legal action to ensure all her medical bills from the permanent disability are paid.

A Ryder Cup spokesperson denied the accusations to the BBC:

“It is distressing to hear that someone might suffer long-term consequences from a ball strike.

“We have been in communication with the family involved, starting with the immediate on-course treatment and thereafter to provide support, helping with the logistics of repatriation, including providing a transfer for the family from Paris to Lyon. We will continue to offer support for as long as necessary.

“Ball strikes are an occasional hazard for spectators but this kind of incident is extremely rare.

“We can confirm that ‘fore’ was shouted several times but also appreciate how hard it can be to know when and where every ball is struck if you are in the crowd.

“We are hugely sympathetic and will do everything we can to support the spectator, insofar as that is possible under very difficult circumstances.”

Remande had nicer things to say about Koepka, who quickly walked over after she was hit to see if she was OK.

Koepka told reporters on Wednesday he was “heartbroken” over Remande’s permanent eye injury

“I hit the golf ball, and it’s upsetting,” he said, according to “Inside Edition.” “It really is. Just because I hit a golf ball, someone lost the sight in their eye. If you break it down to the heart of it, it’s not a good feeling.”

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