Hudsonville tennis team captures OK Red, D-1 regional tennis titles

HUDSONVILLE — The Eagles are flying high this tennis season. After clinching first place in the OK Red Conference, Hudsonville moved on to the Division 1 regional tournament, where the squad captured the top spot once again.

“They were a complete team effort,” Hudsonville coach Matt Tanis shared. “All flights earned significant points in both the conference tournament and the regionals.” 

The team is led by No. 1 singles standout Brandon McEachern. McEachern was a runner-up in the OK Red and definitely made an impact on the Eagles’ court this season.

“Our first singles player, Brandon McEachern, has been a great leader for our team,” Tanis stated.  “He instilled a winning attitude in our program from the first time he walked on the courts at Hudsonville.”

Another strong leader in the Hudsonville arsenal, Bret Bentley plays No. 4 singles and made major strides in that flight. Bentley ended the season as a flight champion in both the conference and the regional tournaments.

“Bret Bentley, at No. 4 singles, went undefeated this year,” Tanis said. “He is able to adjust his game to the style of player he is playing against.”

Another strong contender, Luke Nederveld plays No. 3 singles. Nederveld won both conference and regional tournaments, as did Pierce Arangua at second singles.

“Luke is a very steady player with a great forehand approach shot, while Pierce Arangua is able to hit any kind of shot.”

With a battle-ready squad of singles players and a highly competitive doubles lineup, the Eagles definitely buy into the concept of team chemistry.

“The players get along with each other very well,” the coach stated. “They take it upon themselves to get together off the court. It makes it so they really enjoy seeing each other do well and push each other in practice to succeed.

“Most of the players have tennis parents who introduced the game to them at a young age. This is especially true of our singles lineup, who all have very knowledgeable dads who were willing to take the time and hit with them.

“A lot of the credit for our success also goes to Jorge Capistany and his staff at Hope College. Most of our players attend his summer tennis camp and take lessons at the Dewitt Tennis Center.”

With so much tennis going around in Hudsonville, along with a strong squad of leaders, the Eagles will soar into the Greater Midland Tennis Center for the state finals, Oct. 19-20.

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