4 tennis players and their famous pets

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25 Nov 2018, 21:32 IST

Caroline Wozniacki with her pet Pomeranian BrunoCaroline Wozniacki with her pet Pomeranian Bruno

Tennis at the outset is physically a very demanding sport. The tennis season is long and practically there is very little off-season time for the players as even during the off-season they are expected to hone their skills, rectify weaknesses etc. in the run-up to the succeeding season.

The 4 Grand Slams, numerous other tournaments at the Masters level, ATP 500 and ATP 250 Tour Level tournaments coupled with the ITF’s Team event — the Davis Cup all make the schedule extremely cramped. Players and their respective teams have to constantly travel around the world living off a suitcase. This is something they have to do in addition to the numerous events that they have to attend for their sponsors.

There have been many cases of players suffering from fatigue and injuries due to burnout. Most notable example that comes to mind is Brit Andy Murray who literally played in every tournament in his remarkable 2016 season. The consequences were to be seen as Murray has battled injuries over the past couple of years and is yet to reach the high-level that he achieved in 2016.

So how do the tennis players spend whatever little time they get during the break or off season? Well, a number of tennis players have a pet; the most popular ones being dogs, of course there are a few felines and other animals too. Some even have their own Twitter and Instagram accounts.

This slideshow is exclusively dedicated to the pets of 4 such tennis players who leave no stone unturned in showing off their prized possessions:

#1 Andy Murray

Murray and his wife Kim Sears taking their dogs out on a walkMurray and his wife Kim Sears taking their dogs out on a walk

Scot Andy Murray is very fond of his two Border Terriers, named Rusty and Maggie May. Murray named one his Terriers ‘Rusty’ after his all-time favourite player, Australian Lleyton Hewitt. Maggie May was named after the song of the same name by legendary music artist Rod Stewart. Maggie May has now her own Twitter account with over 30,000 followers.

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