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Men’s results for Jan. 26. The Heritage Weekend Warriors played at True Blue. The format was team quota.

First, Bruce Kulpit, Frank Baker, Arlin Jividen and Dick Clute at (+12); second, Ken Graham, Gary Wiklund, Gregg Watters and Ross Lenhart at (+3); third, Lane Pratt, Mike David, Joe Leger and Dave Ojeda at (even); fourth, Bob D’Alessandro, Michael Godley and Jim Herndon at (-3).

Low Gross: first, Scott Sperber with 73; second, Bruce Kulpit with 80.

Most over Quota: Bruce Kulpit and Gregg Watters at (+5).

Closest to the pin: Greg Youngman on no. 7 and Greg Burchett on no. 14.

Men’s results for Jan. 19. The Heritage Weekend Warriors played at International. The format was team quota.

First, Michael Godley, Sid Worley, John Manbeck and Roland Boehm at (+23); second, Bill Buettner, Frank Baker, David Morman and Terry Bumpers at (+21); third, Bruce Kulpit, Andy Davis, Dave Ojeda and Bob Stein at (+20); fourth, Mike David, Jim Herndon, Harold East, and Walt Loos at (+16).

Low Gross: Bruce Kulpit and Emerson Treffer with 75.

Most over Quota: first, Bruce Kulpit at (+14); second, Bill Buettner at (+11).

Closest to the pin : Dave Ojeda on no. 3 and David Morman on no. 11.


Men’s results from Jan. 23. Gold Tee Weekly Game at Tradition was a Texas Scramble.

Front Side: first, Anthony DeFlumeri/Tom Sandham/Don McDowell/Rudy Schwartz(-7MC); second John McLaughlin/Bill Renault/Bob Wittig/ Terry Tuttle (-7).

Back Side: first place, Al Federaro/Gary Clifford/Ernie Heilberg/Pat Delaney (-5); second, Bill Mitchell/Bob Keller/Charles Cocores/Marty Robic (-3)

Closest to the Pin: Lance Burghardt on no. 2, Bob Wittig on no. 5, Paul Lempert on no. 12 and Bill Mitchell no. 15.

Men’s results from Jan. 16. The Gold Tee Weekly Game at Tradition was a Texas Scramble.

Front Side: first, Tony DeFlumeri/Hugh Espey/Bob Witig/Vince Franco (-7); second, John McLaughlin/Charlie Cocores/Bill Kendall/Lance Burghardt (-2).

Back Side: first, Eddie Sheldon/Jay Jones/Jeff Sturm/Greg Aikers (-4MC); second, Dick Pacella/Dale Guzlas/Jerry Mayer/Tom Little (-4).

Closest to the Pin: Bob Wittig on no. 2, John McLaughlin on no. 5, Dick Pacella on no. 12, Dale Guzlas on no. 15.

Wachesaw East

Men’s results for Jan. 17. The game was a Stableford Format.

First, Mike Talaska +6; second, Gary Hetrick +4; third, Mike Stuart +2; fourth, Jim Edge -2.

Closest to the Pin: Jim Edge on no. 4,Mike Stuart on no. 8, Jim Kearns on no. 12 and Tom Darcy on no. 15.

Birdies: Mike Stuart on no. 2 and Jim Edge on no. 4.

Men’s results for Jan. 10. The format was Four Man Teams, Two Best Balls.

First, Mike Stuart, Dick Sharp, Dave Thomas, Pat Forte -22; second, Jim MUrphy, Dave Bruchard,Jim Murphy, Gary Johnson, -18; third, Mike Talaska, Jim Kearns, Bill Contlea, Fred Grizmala -7.

Closest to the Pin: Jim Muncie on no. 4 and Jim Muncie on no. 12.

Birdie: Dave Thomas on no. 2.

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